LCO Summer Manager




The LCO Summer Manager page is you one stop resource for keeping up to date for all your LCO Summer planning.
*Use this page as your primary resources for planning and updates
*Note that you will be setting up a League Apps account when you register for LCO. Please record your user name and password when you create the account
*League Apps provides support information and tutorials for any registration and account questions you may have
*Note that we do not issue refunds once you have registered and paid.

LCO Summer 2025 Card

Read all information on this page before registering so you are aware of planning details. It is expected that players will miss practices occasionally due to school activities in May but attendance at the majority of practices is needed for evaluation and placement purposes.

On this page in order: Scroll down. If you are using a phone you may have to swipe right to see all info.
>LCO Summer Description
>Registration information and links
>Events we attend info
>Weekly Updates

Registration link found after all information below. Please read all information before you register.

LCO Roster Placement Goals:
Our goal is development! Success will not be based on wins and losses but player experience. Our shared outcome is for these players to return next year improved, inspired and in a position to compete for spots on our advanced teams or if a rising senior carry lessons learned back to their high school program.

Rosters will be posted after completion of the Saturday Training Camps and posted via document link in this section.

2025 Summer Information and Registration

LCO Summer Description

Since 2010 the LCO has served the greater Orlando region by providing high level training for players of all experience levels.  The program allows players to mix with players and coaches from the entire region and test themselves in an environment that stresses fundamental improvement and competitive challenge.

Other features:
*All training centralized at Boone High School or Lake Highland Prep near downtown Orlando. Both locations are convenient to all major highways that access Orlando; I-4, SR 408, SR 528, and SR 417.
*Teams are formed to allow for maximum playing time and the ability to be competitive in events as each team will have a cross section of experience levels

Boone High School - BOONE HS - 1000 E. KALEY ST, ORLANDO, FL

Boone High School
Boone High School BOONE HS - 1000 E. KALEY ST, ORLANDO, FL

Lake Highland Prep - 801 Highland Ave, Orlando, FL (Field addresses to detailed once finalized)

LHP stadium


Program Schedule

2024 Lacrosse Club Orlando Summer Program - 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u, High School
*2 practices per week (only 1 mid-week when school is in session)
*Final dates and times will be posted once finalized with the facility and updated on this page

14u, 12u, 10u, 8u starts April 20 with training camps every Saturday after - USA Lacrosse Ages apply - See below:

Division Birthdate
HS AA / A Varsity level - open to all ages
HS B Graduation in 2026 or later - No Rising Seniors
U14*# Born after 6/1/2010*
U12 Born after 6/1/2012
U10 Born after 6/1/2014
U8 Born after 6/1/2016

#Includes rising 9th graders who qualify for 14u age group
*No 10th graders permitted in 14u


High School rising Grades 9-12 Start Dates (unless you qualify for 14u age group) 
*2 practices per week (only 1 mid-week when school is in session)
*May 11 Training Camp for all except those in state championship games
*Final dates and times for activity after May 11 will be posted once finalized with the facility and updated on this page

8u - Training and 1 tournament - Orlando Summer Face Off
10u - Training and 2 tournaments - Orlando Summer Face Off, Florida Blast
12u - Training and 2 tournaments - Orlando Summer Face Off, Florida Blast
14u - Training and 3 tournaments -Orlando Summer Face Off, Florida Blast, TBA
High School - Training and 3 tournaments - Orlando Summer Face Off, TBA

June May 31-June 1, 2025 Orlando Summer Face Off
June 7-8, 2025 Florida Blast-Sebring
June 14-15, 2025 Father's Day Invitational, Palm Coast or Summer Classic, Lakeland


*NO REFUND POLICY - You must sign a waiver acknowledging the No Refund Policy. Please note that missing an event or several practices are not an end all as the LCO experience is a process.

*NO CREDITS are allowed from previous LCO programs.


*IMPORTANT: You must be a USA Lacrosse member to register for LCO and to be eligible to participate in most events held in the state. If you are not a member or need to renew your membership, go to the USA Lacrosse web site:

If you were Born AFTER the following dates per USA Lacrosse
6/1/16 - you are 8U
6/1/14 - you are 10U
6/1/12 - you are 12U
6/1/10 - you are 14U

2025 Summer Fees: Deposit must be paid prior to first practice to be placed on a roster. Payment plans available within registration process.

8u Fee $195 
10u Fee $375
12u Fee $475
14u Fee $650
High School Fee $725
* Payment by bank ACH or credit card will add a processing fee
Bank Account Fee: 3.25% + $0.30
Credit Card Fee: 4.25% + $0.30

Checks should be made out to: Orlando Lacrosse and mailed to 224 Shady Oaks Circle, Lake Mary, FL 32746

Registration Instructions if paying by CHECK:
*Follow the prompts
*SELECT PAY IN FULL OPTION and from there Select skip and pay later link at the bottom of that final payment page.


Uniforms are NOT included with the program fee. All uniform ordering information is posted at the top of this page.

*When registering use your son's current 2024-2025 school year

League Apps Registration Support: Please use the support website for most of your registration questions:
Coaches, Parents & Players – LeagueApps


Master Activity schedule 2025 - Posted at top of this page

Practice information Updated weekly

  • May Training Camps - we will conduct two Saturday training camps with the age groups staggered throughout the day.
  • Players attend: All players attend the training camps then will attend 1 practice during the week while school is in session 2 per week starting the last week of May.
  • Practice length and times:  8u, 10u, 12u, 14u will practice a minimum 90 minutes with High School a minimum of 2 hours in most cases.
    *Typically, we seek to move forward with practices even though storms may be in the forecast.
    *If we were to cancel prior to practice, we will send out an email and text by 5pm the day of a practice or early Saturday for day sessions to all registered players.
    *If we need to stop practice due to weather conditions during activity players will be either directed to their vehicles or designated overhang areas at their practice stie.
    *Parents may keep their child at home if they do not feel comfortable driving due to predicted conditions.

EVENTS WE ATTEND SUMMER 2024 - information is being updated as it becomes available.


To contact both the LCO and Orlando Lacrosse please email: